Welcome to coast trucking school
Begin your professional truck driving career today
If you’d like to become an excellent, high-earning truck driver, we’re here to help! You’ll learn truck driving in a small group setting, with an experienced instructor who wants you to succeed.
Who are we?
Coast Trucking School was established by Mike and Jerri Statham after 37 years of success in the truck-driving industry. We understand the excellent opportunities available for good truck drivers. If you’re motivated and ready to learn, Coast Trucking School can be your gateway to a bright future.
Where are we?
Coast Trucking School is just outside the city limits of Coos Bay, the Oregon’s coast’s largest metropolitan area. You’ll learn the basics in our well-equipped classroom and large graveled training yard. When it’s time to practice driving, we’re right next to a state highway, and minutes away from a mix of rural roads and urban streets.
Our Mission
We provide truck driving education, training and experience that prepares every student with the knowledge, skills and abilities required to embark on a safe and successful career as a licensed top quality, safety-conscious and highly employable entry level commercial truck driver. We strive to produce drivers capable of earning family-sustaining wages in the transportation industry, and who enjoy well-deserved reputations for excellence in the field.
Please be aware of the following requirements – you must:
Be 18 years of age to drive intrastate
Be at least 21 years of age to drive interstate
Have a high school diploma or equivalent
Possess a valid drivers’ license at the time of enrollment and have 1 year of automobile driving experience.
Be able to pass a DOT drug test
Be able to pass a DOT physical exam
Submit a DMV driving record
Present a Social Security card to the DMV
Be able to read, speak, and understand the English language sufficiently to converse with the general public, to understand highway traffic signs and signals, to respond to official inquiries, and to make legible entries on reports and records.
Learn about our course
Driver’s license and driving record
You must possess a valid driver’s license for at least one year. You must obtain and submit a current DMV printout of your driving record. This driving record must show that you do not have any major violations. This would include more than 3 moving violations in the last 3 years, more than 1 chargeable accident in the last 5 years, or any alcohol violations in the last 5 years. Still have questions about whether or not you should register?

Our Core Values
Coast Trucking School is founded on a desire to sustainably provide effective training services that improve the employment and long-term earning prospects of its graduates, and contribute to their professionalism, and enhance local, regional and state economic conditions. Accordingly, the school will incorporate the following values into all aspects of operation and instruction:
Equitable, Inclusive and
Non-discriminatory Conduct
Fairness and Accountability
High Quality Instruction
Supportive, Achievement-oriented Attitude

Like what you see? Apply Now!